
כְּרֻב                       הֵילֵל

heileil                  keruv



נָחָש                            לִוְיָתָן 

leviathan                nachash 

the father of lies (John 8:44)

The now adversary of our souls was originally created by Yahweh as a keruv כְּרֻב, a beautifully perfect protecting cover, who also functioned as a vehicle for YHWH's presence (Eze. 28:14).  He was a higher order of being than the messengers (angels), and equal to or lower than the seraphs (YHWH's attendants with power of fire (Isa. 6:2)), and 'owphanim (an energetic essence to create purposefully, insuring proper function, without which there can be no living by virtue of His thoughts (Eze. 1:21)).

His name was Heileil הֵילֵל, meaning shine through ones actions or words; radiating light from praising or giving thanks to another, or to one's self (Isa.14:12). The propensity for music was established in him in the day he was created. Upon so, we understand that he was the leader of the heavenly host in praise and giving of thanks to the Most High, causing Yah's presence to be revealed through him (Eze. 28:13).  

However, he chose to become satan שָטָן, meaning to retard, to hinder, or adversary. Satan wanted to make himself like YHWH, and exalt himself above the throne of the Most High Powers, to control and receive all to himself (Isa.14:13,14). After peddling his idea to the angels, and convincing a third of them that he would be successful in his overthrow, immediate to the act upon the thought, they were cast out as profane like lightning to the earth, where they remain confined to this day until the judgment (Luke 10:18; Rev. 12:4).

Being jealous of YHWH's plan to replace him and those who were a part of his rebellion with Adam, satan's introduction to man was in the guise of nachash (נָחָש), meaning slithering snake. This animal lost its legs and became a "slithering snake" as a consequence of being inspired to be used by this adversary to our existence. By which, satan was successful in causing Adam to question his original identity and purpose, laying it aside for his own pursuits (In Beginnings (Gen.) 3:1).

Adam had become " one out of us...". In In Beginnings (Gen) 3:22 mi-men-nu is the classical Hebrew word that is an inseparable preposition with a pronominal suffix in a case of separation. It can also mean " one away from us...". Context confirms the suffix to be 1st person common plural from its antecedent in chapter 1:26 "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness." In other words, and being simply put, Adam, in his disobedience, left the likeness of his Creator, and took on the characteristics of the adversary of his soul, satan.

That victory in the garden of Eiden (correct transliterate spelling) gave him the right to inspire every soul born to man since Adam. His continued success in winning the souls of men to his side over the centuries is confirmed by his growth from nachash נָחָש, a slithering snake, to leviathan לִוְיָתָן, a fire breathing dragon; large sea serpent (Job 41; Rev. 12:9). 

When YHWH challenges 'Iyov (Job) in one of the earliest books of the classical Hebrew writings, He instructs 'Iyov (Job) "... to see every one proud and cause him to be lowered (humbled).", and to "Look on every one proud and cause him to be subdued/defeated; ... " (Chapter 40:11,12). If he was able to do this, Yahweh says that He will confess to 'Iyov that he will save (grant essence of existence) himself by his own right hand (Chapter 40:14).  And continuing, He introduces Leviathan with his immense, impenetrable stature, and awesome capabilities, to be the culmination, metaphorically, as the king over all the sons of pride (Job 41:34).

Shachats is the classical Hebrew word for pride in this verse, meaning haughty, be excessively proud; metaphorically concerning Leviathan as the king of it. The word for pride concerning his sons is ga'ah, meaning being proud, arrogance, towering above, raise up high. It is obvious that when man strives to live his life outside of consulting his Creator, he is being inspired by the adversary of his soul to mimic what caused Heileil's fall. To pride one's self in his own creative ingenuity, deceptively, causes him to tower above the Most High.

"Do not love (devote completely to another) the world, neither the things in the world. If anyone loves (devotes completely to) the world, the love  of the Father is not in him; because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (acquiring sufficient means for living), is not out of the Father, but is out of the world" (1 John 2:15,16).

Satan knows that he has been given a short time before judgment (Mat. 8:29; Rev. 12:12), but this dude actually believes that as long as he can continue his success in deceiving man to devote completely to this world above the Father, that he can put off his judgment indefinitely. One of satan's goals was to retard YHWH's greatest creation, Adam; male and female, to reverse their roles. What's up with that? 
