First of all, all translations of the scriptures have been copyrighted. The copyright protects the “intellectual property” of the author. One cannot copyright any material unless it has a percentage of his or her own original content!
Back translation is an exercise whereby one reverts a translated text back into its ancestral type, the language of its origin. If the “back translation” does not match the way it was in the original language, then it is a mis-translation.
Traditional translations tend to be “beautiful” i.e. conforming the text to the English, Latin, and Greek grammar with its abstract, appearance oriented, passive, subjective, and linear thought patterns, supposedly making it more palatable to the average reader. However, this causes the loss of the concrete, functional, active, objective, and holistic perspective that is in the classical Hebrew grammar. Isa. 43:27; Jer. 8:8
The Scriptures of the Way, a concrete (Hebraic perspective) translation of the Torah (five books of Mosheh), would pass the exercise of “back translation”. It seeks to render the text literally word for word, even, if necessary, at the expense of features natural to the English language such as “proper” English grammar, and word order. This gives us the thoughts of its author, YHWH, as He spoke them and as He intended them to be received, protecting His intellectual property and its culture. And since His teachings/instructions preceded our existence, and are of public domain, no translator can copyright His will.
Without the Hebraic perspective, we are forced to eisegete - when the reader imposes his or her interpretation into and onto the text. In other words, viewing the classical Hebrew writings through preconceived ideologies or one’s own experiences, lending to subjective conclusions of what it is the Creator is saying and what He requires of us.
The Scriptures of the Way is a work of exegesis - drawing out the meaning from a text in accordance with the context and discoverable intent of its Author, lending to objective conclusions; it is a correct translation.
Zephaniah 3:9-10 prophesies of a time when all His people will serve Him as one shoulder (united). To do that we must all see Him (the Head of that shoulder) the same way, objectively, as He showed Himself to us. That prophecy is impossible to fulfill if each of us has a different understanding of His revealing word. The unity which brings maturity (Eph. 5:27), is only reached when we see, hear, understand, and obey Him, as one.
The Torah is the how to for the New Covenant principles of walking in the spirit of love; it is the foundation of our walk (Matt. 5:17-20, Rev. 12:17, 14:12, 22:14). The Scriptures of the Way, a concrete (Hebraic perspective), correct translation of the Torah, is an attempt to re-lay that foundation of unity so that we can be firmly rooted, and grow up unto maturity.
“… till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of Powers, unto a complete (mature) man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Messiah (anointing); that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine (what is taught), by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.” Eph. 4:13-14
The quotes below from each book of the concrete English translated text of the Torah are correct, giving just a glimpse of what we have been missing in our search for spiritual truth:
"In beginnings" (Genesis)- 1:1 - In beginnings Powers created all that is in relationship to the heavens and all that is in relationship to the earth.
- 1:2 - And the earth, it became internally chaotic and its elements externally confused, and darkness upon the face of the swirling agitated ocean waves, and the wind of the Spirit of Powers hovering over the face of the waters.
- 1:3 - And Powers said, "It will be light"; and it was light.
"Names" (Exodus)- 3:13 - And Mosheh said unto the Powers, "See, I go unto the sons of Yisra'eil, and I will say to them, 'The Powers of your fathers has sent me unto you'; and they will say to me, 'What is His name?' What will I say unto them?"
- 3:14 - And Powers said unto Mosheh, "I will be who or what I will be"; and He said, "Thus you will say to the sons of Yisra'eil, 'Ehyeh (I will be), has sent me unto you.'"
- 3:15 - And continuing, Powers said unto Mosheh, "Thus you will say unto the sons of Yisra'eil, 'YHWH (Yahweh), Powers of your fathers, Powers of Avraham, Powers of Yitschaq, and Powers of Ya'aqov, He has sent me unto you'; this is My name forever, and this is My memorial to generation of generation."
"And He Called" (Leviticus)- 17:14 - "Because the soul of all flesh is its blood, in its soul is it. And I will say to the sons of Yisra'eil, 'The blood of any flesh you will never eat; because the soul of all flesh is its blood of it; anyone eating it, he will be cut off.'"
"In the Wilderness" (Numbers)- 16:30 - "But if creating, YHWH will create, and the ground will open forcibly all relating to its mouth, and it will swallow all relating to them, and all relating to all that is to them, and they will go down alive toward sheol (hell), then you will know that these men have rejected as worthless, all relating to YHWH."
"The Words" (Deuteronomy)- 28:65 - "And in those nations you will not be calm, and a resting place will not be for the sole of your foot; but YHWH will give to you there a trembling heart, and yearning eyes, and a feeling of internal pain of soul.
- 28:66 - And your life will be being indecisive to you from expressing an opposite view; and you will fear impending danger night and day, and you will not trust in your life."